

CIG Garment Manufacturing opened its door in 2000 with two single needle machines. It was a struggling period. Though we had extensive experience in the garment industry, opening your factory and looking for customers was challenging. We had to go door to door to ask for work. Our first customer walked into our door to get his garment sewn, and then the second customer came in with the whole line of his production.

And within the first few years, we had sufficient customers so we had to buy more machines and we got our 13 sections cutting table and assembled it all by ourselves. After that, there was no looking back. The business grew by making fire resistance garments, and clients brought crown corporation work.

Now it was time to bring in a new breed to diversify from sewing to the development, design, pattern making, grading and work with new, upcoming promising fashion designers and first-time entrepreneurs. 


Today the management, sales and business development are handled by an able, corporate savvy, fashion cultured couple Hatim and Arwa. They brought their fashion experience with digital savvy expertise with a new vision. 

Let’s get and promote new bees in the market and revolutionize the fashion and garment-making experience. In CIG, every day, every year and every season is a unique, challenging and inspiring understanding. 

We truly live and believe in our motto:
Make Local, Buy Local, Wear Local, Promote Local
and Be Vocal about our Local.

Your actions show excellence & your apparel shows your distinction

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